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Tools and Resources for CFers, Part 2: CFML Blog Aggregators (and bloggers)

Note: This blog post is from 2008. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
As some may know, I keep a list of over 700 tools and resources of interest to CFers, broken into more than 100 categories. I've decided to start offering each category here as a blog entry. Again, to see the list of all categories, see Part 1 of this series.

Tools and Resources for CFers, Part 2: CFML Blog Aggregators (and bloggers)

There are literally hundreds of CFML blogs. Some are popular and known by most, while some less popular ones may well offer some hidden gem. Rather than try to list them all here, and indeed rather than you having to read them all, the following aggregators focus on CF-oriented blogs.

Some blogs are in all the aggregators, but it's worth keeping an eye on more than one. I provide as well a link to the list of all CFML blogs that each aggregator follows. This way, you can find out all the folks who blog about CF.

You can always find the latest version of the list above at the official site, in the category CFML Blog Aggregators (and bloggers)

Again, if you're looking for a list of all CF bloggers, note that there is no one list, but again each of the aggregators above offers a list of the blogs that they aggregate, and I've offered the links to those lists above.


This is a perpetual work in progress. I definitely welcome additions or corrections to this list. If you have any to offer, you can leave them here as a comment on this blog entry and I'll move them to the list on the site.

BTW, before you offer an update here, please do check the category on the real list. I won't be coming back here to update these blog entries to sync them if I add new items to the real list.

About this series

This entry is part of an ongoing series, sharing each of the 100+ categories and the tools and resources I (and others) have identified. They're designed to answer the questions we hear, like , "does anyone know of tools or resources to help with ...?"

Someone may ask why I'm blogging each of these categories, when they're available online anyway. It's just that, through aggregation and feeds, blogs present a way to reach a wider (and new) audience who may not otherwise come across the list of tools and resources. This also widens the pool of eyes for possible updates to the list. I want it to be as accurate and up to date as possible. I may in the future offer an RSS feed of any updates made to the list.

Otherwise, I hope people will get great value out of the lists, here or on the tools and resources page.

Hi Charlie,

Can you please include this under the Category File Upload Tools:
This one among the excellent article for Multiple file upload by Ben Nadel
# Posted By Akbar | 4/29/08 12:08 PM
Hi Charlie,

You might want to add another recent aggregator to the list:


They are a general technology aggergator, but they have a specific section for ColdFusion blogs. I think this is exactly the type of site that we (as the cf community) need to have more of a presence on. I've gone back and forth a bit with one of the maintainers of the site, and they plan to add more CF blogs to their list soon.
@Akbar, thanks. I've added it.

@Rob, cool. Thanks for that. I'd not noticed it. Added. One thing: how does a blog get added there? I see no means anywhere to suggest one. I see you're listed, so hoping you'll know. :-)

I sent you a reply off-line with the email address of one of the guys at Geexoo.
Thanks for this series Charlie. I look forward to future categories as a good refresher.

On the topic of aggregators... Aggregators are great for someone who wants to occasionally see what is going on. But, personally, when I decided I wanted to really stay on top of the blog posts I switched to Google Reader and subscribed to the specific blogs I wanted to follow. Aggregators don't show you what you've missed since the last time you visited. A reader shows exactly what is new since you last read, or at least marked entries as read.

A reader also lets me subscribe to some non-CF blogs too (e.g., Joel Spolsky, 37 signals, jQuery, etc.).
@Rob, thanks.

@Matt, I certainly don't disagree with you, and in fact to share your contention I made a point of identifying the link each of these has to the list of all CF blogs that they aggregate. I did that to say, in effect, sure, if you want to choose to read them yourself, whether via a reader, or via email subscription, here's a way you can easily find the individual blogs to consider.

And as for your note of Joel's blog, 37 signals, etc, I certainly wasn't meaning to imply that one need only view one or more of these aggregators to the ignorance of non-CF blogs. Not at all. (Though it's worth noting that each of the above, except cfbloggers, has options to view other non-CF categories.)

But the point of the CF aggregators is really to help those who don't want to watch every blog individually, but do want to focus only on CF. I don't think that's wrong, but it's an admittedly narrow perspective--suitable for its time and purpose.

Still, thanks for the objective perspective, for those who may benefit.
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