FusionReactor 3 released
Note: This blog post is from 2008. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.

The key new features are:
- An improved Enterprise Dashboard, built on Flex, with additional new info and even an Air-based version (the latter still in beta)
- Substantially improved request metrics (system overview) page, with new graphs and data (since the Dashboard is only in the FR Enterprise edition, this is a real plus for FR standard users) and also slow query tracking
- dramatic new zoom feature in graphs, to zoom in a range of time intervals
- improved logging, especially useful for post-mortem analysis
- ability to fire a script/batch file when a server monitored in the Enterprise dashboard stops/starts (has long been able to send you email and/or log those events)
- support for multiple user logins with optional varying access levels, including new "manager" and "observer" roles in addition to the normal "admin" role
- abiliity to track cpu available in the system against CPU used by a monitored instance
- ability to view/delete requests queued by FR crash protection queuing
You can learn more about what's new, and upgrade pricing.
I'll blog more about many other little things that have changed--the good ol' "hidden gems" I like to do.
Now, I hope instead people can focus on the more important aspects of the announcement. Why is it that only controversial things seem to draw comment?! :-)
Happy? [grin]
In all seriousness, it does look like a very fine product. I look forward to your updated review...I really appreciated your comparisons of the different CF monitoring tools.