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CF Bloggers of the world, unite: come join a new google group to work together

Note: This blog post is from 2007. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Are you a CF blogger? I had a thought recently: we could probably share a lot with each other to make the most of our blogging efforts to the CF community.

For instance, Pete Freitag had a really neat tip today on optimizing your RSS feed to keep better manage traffic.

Regardless of which blogging software we use, we still serve the same CF community and just as we've all learned from and contribute to that community, we probably also know some useful tips and resources to share with each other about our blogging efforts.

So I created a new google group today, http://groups.google.com/group/cfbloggers, and I'm inviting all CF bloggers to join.

Sure, there are resources out there for all bloggers (like www.performancing.com), but I wanted to create something just for our community, without the traffic of the noisy broader world of bloggers, as well as to perhaps focus on issues of interest just to us, such as how we can organize our info better (perhaps together) for the CF community, how to monetize our blogs (maybe create a CF community-specific ad banner mechanism), how to solve common blogging-related problems (like aggregation and feed validation), and so on.

NOT another place to discuss CF

I don't mean for this to be yet another place to discuss CF questions and issues with each other. We all already have plenty of places to do that.

Joining the Group

For now, I've made it a private group. People must either be invited or request to join, and the discussions are not made public. I think that may be best to permit people to speak frankly. We can discuss if it should be made publicly viewable, but I'd propose that joining always be moderated to keep out folks who are not truly CF bloggers.

  • If you have a google account already, just login and join, which you can do in one step
  • If you don't want to create a google account (needed only if you want to access the web interface), you can also drop me a note via the group join interface and I'll just add you to the list and you'll start getting mail whenever folks send a note to the list.

Of course, you don't need a gmail address or account to join. Any address will do.

Who was pre-invited to join?

I was torn between not inviting anyone (and hoping it would spread by word of mouth, emails, and blogging) and seeding the list with at least several folks to start. I decided the latter was a better choice, at the risk of offending anyone I might leave out. To avoid an incredible effort to think of/find all CF bloggers, I instead just used the list of names of bloggers in the "last 72 hours" display on FullAsAGoog's CF category, at the time I created the blog.

If I had their email address or could find it quickly, I used it. And while typing their names into an outgoing email, if my email client showed me other folks with the same first name, etc, I added them to the list.

I'm sure I've left off many. No offense intended at all. That's why I'm doing this blog entry (but I realize that won't reach most of the CF bloggers, so feel free to spread the word.)

If you know anyone else who wants to join, have them use the links above.

Should be low-volume, which is good

I suspect this will be a low-volume list, except for spurts that surround interesting discussions, so I'd hope it would not add a burden to your inbox, but rather would be valuable even if you only got one new idea a month.

Hope you'll join at least for a while.

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Sounds like a good idea Charlie. I applied for membership under my Gmail account (cfsilence at gmail). So approve me ;)
Thanks, Todd. Got it.

BTW, for some reason, the invitations I said I sent out never got sent. Some glitch in Google, it seems. Fortunately, several have responded to this, so thanks. We'll get it crankin' soon. :-)
I'm a bit of a new blogger, but I do blog about CF. So I signed up. Hope to be accepted! :o)
Yep, you've been accepted. Anyone who blogs about CF will be welcome.
Hi Charlie, your Google group proposal is great, curiously I was in the DR on my last vacation, at a place called Charlisangels ( men`s club ) and met a few guys who told me the same idea ( lightbulb on ). I guess we gotta take another trip to play with the girls and discuss new ideas!
# Posted By Nathan | 12/7/07 5:17 PM
You met guys at a strip club...in the Dominican Republic...who had the same idea for creating a google group for CF bloggers? Man, how much ganga were you smokin' down there, dude? :-)

I don't know which "Nathan'"this is, but if you had entered a URL that was a spammy page I'd have deleted the comment assuming it was junk. As you didn't, there can be no search gain for you from making the comment, so I'm left thinking you're legit, but I don't understand the comment, to be honest.
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