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Off to the UK for a few days next week to do some on-site training and consulting

Note: This blog post is from 2007. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
I don't generally chronicle all my travels, but I thought I'd throw out there that I'll be in the UK (suburban London) next week. I'll be teaching a couple of on-site classes on FusionDebug and FusionReactor for some Intergral clients, as well as doing a day of consulting (CF troubleshooting) with one of them.

Sadly, it's really an in and out visit, so not much time for sight-seeing or even socializing. (Well, not too sad, as it means I spending as little time as needed away from my lovely wife of seven years, and love of my life, Kim.)

Just wanted to explain the visit, in case any of my friends in London might hear I am (or was) there and wonder why I couldn't make any social calls. I won't even have a car.

"Beware the troubles"

I'm sure some will wonder if now's a good time to be going over there (regarding the recent terrorist threats). Hey, at least I'm just visiting (and in the suburbs). My heart goes out to those who have to live with that threat daily.

Mark Drew mentioned to me at CFUnited that his office was very near that first failed bomb. Yikes.

I remember that fear living in DC after 9/11. It's a very uneasy tension, balancing "getting on with life" with a very real daily threat. Fortunately, these things do pass (as the real "troubles" did in the UK a generation ago).

Let's just all continue to pray that things settle down over there, for their sake. As for me, my faith is in God's Providence and Will, as He directs my steps.

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Amen on God's providence! Have a good, safe trip!
# Posted By Gscheidle | 7/10/07 11:20 PM
Thanks. And would that be Andrew Gscheidle? I appreciate your kind regard and brotherly love. :-)
HEH, I know where your going... I suggestred to them to implement FusionReactor when I was conculting there, has it really taken them this long to get round to it.
Whatever you do, don't get into a conversation about "TLS" with anyone, it will send you to sleep :-)
I'm not really near by enough to drop by for a beer as I am working in Canary Wharf at the moment.
Yep, you guessed right, Russ. No, it's not taken this long. They had it installed last year and even sent people to the training I did the day after your event in November. This was to get more people up to speed as they continue to develop and deliver apps that require performance. Cheers.
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