Come see me speak at CF.Objective, on a topic that I think's unique and valuable
Note: This blog post is from 2007. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.I was delighted to learn in February that I'd been accepted to speak at CF.Objective this year. I couldn't make last year's event. With it being the premiere "enterprise engineering conference for ColdFusion programmers", I knew I had to come up with something special to please my fellow propeller-heads, so I've created a new, never-before seen presentation--which is now listed on the sessions page along with the many other great talks. I'm not aware of anyone in the CF world having covered the topic as I plan to (please do correct me if I'm wrong).
Understanding, Improving and Resolving Issues with Database Procedure Caches, or "What really happens when we use/don't use cfqueryparam?"
Following is the description as the conference guys worded it (just a little different than my own, but tighter and jazzier):
Community favorite Charlie Arehart will help you come to grips with how cfqueryparam affects the performance of your database as well as your application. Follow him thru the process of understanding, diagnosing, and fixing issues related to database query plan caching and its effect on performance, and how to choke more performance out of the two systems than you knew was possible.
The point is that we often are told "use CFQUERYParam" for the "performance benefit" (separate from the security benefit), but rarely do you get insight into the real technical underpinnings of the impacted database operation: query plan caching.
In this talk, I'll share some little-known yet powerful information to help really understand what goes on under the covers in the database. I'll focus on SQL Server 2000 and 2005 but also cover MySQL and perhaps other databases as well. If I don't cover yours, the general concepts will still apply and help you investigate more on your own.
More about the Conference

The conference is May 3-6, 2007, at the Sofitel in Bloomington, MN.
Also, if you missed news of it on the blogwire last week, the folks at CFObjective have created a 2-page "manager's guide" to why you should attend the conference. (I was actually surprised to see that my talk was one two highlighted, along with Jeff Houser's. Besides there being so many great speakers, mine doesn't quite fit the "object-oriented approach" that's been the hall-mark of the conference. But maybe )
Perhaps the biggest reason is the value: $475 for 3 days of content. "What a bah-gin!" (even after the passing April 1 of the early-bird discount at $395.) With the added value of great networking, as at most conferences, and special new Scorpio sneaks hinted it by Adobe (see the conference site registration page), it's a great conference to consider for yourself and team members.
Hope to see you there (and/or at CFUnited in June, which I'll also be speaking about and will write about soon).
[Update: Here's a link to the talk itself.]
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