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Speaking at cf.Objective() and Twin Cities CFUG next week

Note: This blog post is from 2007. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Just a heads up, for those interested, that I'll be speaking twice next week.

As I first discussed a couple weeks ago, I'm set to speak at the cf.Objective conference on the topic of 'Understanding, Improving and Resolving Issues with Database Procedure Caches, or "What really happens when we use/don't use cfqueryparam?"'. This the first time I'll present the talk, and indeed it's the first time I've seen a talk on this topic offered, at least to the depth I plan to cover, about what really goes on inside the database with this feature.

And while I'm there, Troy Pullis at the Twin Cities CFUG has invited me to return to speak at their user group meeting, which happens to be the night before the conference. I've spoken there a few times in the past and always enjoy that group. I'll be presenting my '"Caching In" on CF Performance' talk, which I've presented previously at the Atlanta CFUG and WebDU. You can find out more about the topic at http://carehart.org/presentations/#caching.

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