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I'll have some Scorpio magic to show next week, also

Note: This blog post is from 2007. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
I forgot to mention (in my previous entry about speaking next week) that at both cf.Objective() and the Twin Cities CFUG, I'll be sprinkling a little Scorpio spice on top of my talks (with Adobe's blessing).

First, at the Twin Cities CFUG talk, when I discuss caching in CF, I'll be able to show off some new Scorpio enhancements related to this. Don't ask me to say what they are now. I'm still working out details about which of a few features I can discuss. I've got the green light on some. Waiting on the others.

Second, at cf.Objective(), Jared and I will be leading a "birds of a feather" talk on "hidden gems in scorpio". We all know that with each new release, there are lots of "star" new features, but there are also often lots of "small supporting role" new features which are often as important to some as the big ones. We will pow-wow with the powers that be to confirm which ones will be ok to talk about as of that date. We hope to be able to share a few that will surprise some.

So there are two more reasons to get to Minneapolis next week. (I don't know if the Twin Cities CFUG meeting will be recorded, but if not, I plan to make a recording of it on my own eventually, or offer it on the Meetup soon.)

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Sounds like a great BoF session - I'm looking forward to it!
It'll be great to have you there, Sean. If I have any say, it will be what a BOF should be: not another presentation but rather a gathering of folks of similar interest, sharing with each other. I know that you, too, will have some cool hidden gems that will be worth sharing.
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