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3 ColdFusion Meetups this week: one scheduled, and two surprise cf.Objective() session previews

Note: This blog post is from 2007. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Just want to announce that the Online ColdFusion Meetup which Ray and I run will have three, count 'em three, online presentations this week. Step right up, get your fill of CF presentation goodness.

First, Thursday at 6, see Steve Bryant on "DataMgr Component Set: Easy Data Access without an ORM". Get more info and/or RSVP, as well as get the online meeting URL at http://coldfusion.meetup.com/17/calendar/5667225/. This should last about an hour.

Then on Friday, we'll have two half-hour talks which are previews of the same talks being given by the speakers at next week's cf.Objective() conference in Minneapolis, MN, May 3-6.

At 10:30 on Friday, we'll have Dean Saxe, on "Security and the SDLC: Threat Modeling". Get more info and/or RSVP, as well as get the online meeting URL at http://coldfusion.meetup.com/17/calendar/5708602/. This should last about 30 minutes.

Finally, at 3pm, we'll have Mark Mandel on "Developing Applicatons With Transfer ORM". Again, get more info and/or RSVP, as well as get the online meeting URL at http://coldfusion.meetup.com/17/calendar/5708652/. This should also last about 30 minutes.

Yes, they will also all be recorded. For more on the Online CF Meetup and more about my and Ray's taking it on recently, see the links to previous blog entries below.

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