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New CFMeetup Event: "Step Debugging in ColdFusion 6/7/8", with Charlie Arehart

Note: This blog post is from 2007. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Announcing a new event for The Online ColdFusion Meetup Group!

What: "Step Debugging in ColdFusion 6/7/8", with Charlie Arehart

When: Thursday, Dec 6, 6:00pm EST (GMT-5) (What time is that for you? See this table, which shows it at EST, and you can choose your city from the list offered to see your time.)

Meeting URL: http://experts.acrobat.com/cfmeetup/
Duration: Approx. 1 hour
Meeting will be recorded. URL will be posted after meeting on the Meetup Message Board, which can also be reached directly via http://tinyurl.com/2dbdnk

Our second talk on Thursday, Dec 6, at 6pm, will be your ColdFusion Meetup host, Charlie Arehart, speaking on "Step Debugging in ColdFusion 6/7/8", discussing use of both ColdFusion 8's debugger (CF8 only) and FusionDebug (for 6, 7, and 8).


In this talk, veteran CFML developer Charlie Arehart will introduce and demonstrate the ability all ColdFusion developers now have to step through their code interactively to debug it, whether running on CF 6, 7, or 8. For those moving to CF8, there is now a debugger built into CF, but it works only with CF8. For those on CF 6, 7, or 8, they can use the commercial FusionDebug tool (www.fusiondebug.com) . Both are plug-ins for Eclipse which enable step debugging, and they're very similar, which is why Charlie will show them both in the one talk. He'll also cover some differences.

Don't worry if you don't care for Eclipse. You can continue to use DWMX or CF Studio/HomeSite+ for editing: just use the Eclipse-based tools for debugging. Charlie will show you how easy it is and the problems step debugging can solve. And if you're thinking you don't need interactive debugging, Charlie will also explain over a dozen benefits this offers over traditional CFDUMP/CFOUTPUT debugging, as well as tips, tricks, and traps.

About Charlie Arehart:

A veteran ColdFusion developer since 1997, Charlie Arehart is a longtime contributor to the community and a recognized Adobe Community Expert. He's a certified Advanced CF Developer and Instructor for CF 4/5/6/7 who served as tech editor of the ColdFusion Developers Journal until 2003. Now an independent contractor living in Alpharetta GA, Charlie provides high-level troubleshooting/tuning assistance and training/mentoring for CF teams (carehart.org/consulting). He helps run the Online ColdFusion Meetup (coldfusionmeetup.com, an online CF user group), is a contributor to the CF8 WACK books by Ben Forta, and is frequently invited to speak to developer conferences and user groups worldwide.


As always, we do appreciate folks RSVPing if they plan to come (using the link on this email or at the meetup site), though it's not mandatory and it's not a commitment. BTW, no need to RSVP if you can't make it nor even explain why you can't. With 1,000+ members, there's really no reason to explain your absence. :-) We'll also appreciate your sharing your feedback after the meeting (also offered via a follow-up email or via a link on the site).

Please note, as well, that when you use the acrobat.com (Connect) link above to view the meeting, the login screen presented there has no connection to the login information you've provided to access this meetup.com site. The two services are entirely unrelated. Please just log in with the guest account in Connect, even if you have a real connect account.

Finally, again, the recording URL will be posted on the Meetup Message Board, which can also be reached directly via http://tinyurl.com/2dbdnk

Learn more here: http://coldfusion.meetup.com/17/calendar/6827442/

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  • See that page for more on how he can help a) over the web, safely and securely, b) usually very quickly, c) teaching you along the way, and d) with satisfaction guaranteed
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