Check out MakeUseOf, Cool daily gathering of various resources, tips
Note: This blog post is from 2007. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.

- 5 really powerful Online Image Editing Tools
- 6 Unique Web Communities That You Won't Forget
- 20 Apps That Should Be On Your Mobile
- 10 Free Microsoft Apps That Don't Suck
- 10 Google Services That Need To Be TERMINATED!
- 6 Free Vista Utilities to Tweak and Improve Performance
And they frequently do a list of "Cool Websites and Tips" (latest edition was #104.
They've also had some things of interest specifically to bloggers:
- 12 No-crap Tools to Make Your Blog Better
- 5 Must-have Plugins for Your Wordpress Blog
- Buy and Sell website text links with
If you like the stuff, you can sign up via RSS or email.
Requirements for participating sites
The requirements for our partners’ sites:
- number of visitors: at the present time there are no restrictions!
- PR: It is preferable to have pages on the site with PR at least 1. You can check it here: volume check of pages’ PR.
- domain: preferred are second level domains with paid hosting registered over 6 months ago
- site selection by search engines: at least once per month
- Number of pages: at least 30 (with regular ranking)
- presence in a major catalogue, DMOZ: preferred
- PHP: a must
Ugh.... I can't understand why some of these programs are alienating themselves to PHP only and not using some technology agnostic code. I'm going to contact them and ask why/volunteer to create ColdFusion support for them.
About the requirement of PHP for, I had to dig around quite a bit to found it, but for those interested, it's As for them choosing it, well, if it were simply that they required PHP be installed on your server because they'd written something that called such a page, I might not balk so much (it's not hard to add PHP and many hosts do come with it), but it kind of reads like you need to drop PHP code into the page doing the ad, and of course that's not going to fly on CF pages.
And certainly, their failure to provide any way to contact them is dismaying. Oh well.
Let's not turn this entry into a debate about all that. :-) That's not at all he purpose of this entry. I'd recommend instead that people share comments for or against this in the comments area of the makeuseof entry pointed to above.
Thanks for the awesome review, highly appreciated.
I knew about your site before, but never realized you had a blog. Well, now I know. ;-).
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