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Here's what I think of CF8...what do you think?

Note: This blog post is from 2007. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
I don't know if that title sounds controversial (I don't mean it to), but if anyone indeed would like to hear my take on CF8, you can check out a couple page interview I did with Michael Smith (of CFUnited and TeraTech fame), which was posted yesterday on the CFUnited site.

I don't know if it's what most may expect. I don't recount all the new features, nor do I pontificate even about the marquis ones. Rather, I focus on some areas of interest for me (and others), and I offer several resources for finding additional info that I hope readers will find useful (and perhaps uncommon).

Interviews are often challenging: where do you draw the line in discussing a topic? and how do you guide the interview to say all that you might? and what might you say with just a little more time?

Please let me know what you think, here, whether you learn something, or think I forgot something important.

Charlie, I'm pleased to see you stress the non-production uses of the SM. I'd also suggest that folks could even use it for CF7. What do I mean? Imagine you are on CF7 and will be the conceivable future. There is nothing to stop you from setting up a dev box with CF8 - putting your code on it - and doing testing there. Shoot, I still remember my first experience with the SM. After 5 minutes of watching it work with BlogCFC I found big issues I had to fix. That was VERY useful and a user who has no plans on using CF8 could do the same tests right now.

I'll also mention that you should check out Todd Sharp's blog - he has done a LOT with the new Ajax stuff. http://cfsilence.com...
Thanks, Ray, and I agree with you. Though we should caution that some may see things operate differently enough in 8 (with the improved JVM, improved CFC instantiation) that their observations might not completely translate to what they'd see on 7. But sure, for a lot of stuff, it's a great observation.
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