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Main CF page now makes free CF Developer Edition more prominent

Note: This blog post is from 2007. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
If you haven't noticed, the main CF page now makes more prominent the availability of the free Developer edition. Woo hoo. :-)

I had made the suggestion to Tim, Jason, and Ben back on 7/31. I don't know if it was really my suggestion that made it happen, of course. Anyway, I felt that the new CF8 front page, which listed only the buy/upgrade/trial options, was a missed opportunity to make it clear to folks that there was indeed a free developer edition.

Many have lamented that some might never realize there was one, especially those a little skeptical or just not currently fans. Sure, the availability was listed on the downloads and product editions pages, but what if such folks never took that step?

So, it's a move in the right direction, and thanks for listening (to whoever), Adobe! Let's hope more newcomers notice it. (BTW, the arrow in the screenshot at left is of my own adding. It's not on the Adobe site!)

Seems like a good move.

Well done.
Its about time. I'm sure they must have had that suggestion many times, I know I have certainly suggested it enough times over the years.
This is very cool. I was JUST talking about this "problem" with a co-worker this last week. Now, there are many other problems holding CF back from gaining a wider market share, in my opinion, but this is very good step in the right direction.
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