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Come read over 70 CFEclipse bloggers - Part 2

Note: This blog post is from 2007. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Here are 29 more bloggers who have written about CFEclipse. These folks (no slouches, several having 14 or more entries) simply have not yet (at the time of this writing) chosen to provide a CFEclipse-specific tag or category. I hope they may reconsider, to make it easier for folks to keep an eye on their valuable CFE contributions.

In my last entry, I offered part 1 of a 2-part entry on CFEclipse bloggers (bloggers who have written about CFEclipse). In that list, I showed only those (45) bloggers who have dedicated a specific category or tag to CFEclipse (or Eclipse, if an otherwise CF-oriented blog).

Again, the list is sorted in approximately descending order by number of entries I found they had done on CFEclipse (as of today). And as I said before, while many of the entries are just news (like announcing a new release, etc.), some are useful tips from a wide range of developers (and the typical arguments for and against CFE).

How did I find the bloggers and their CFE content?

To find these entries, and those in part 1, I did a google search on CFEclipse and browsed through the first few hundred entries to find any bloggers who had done something on CFE. If they had at least one meaningful entry, I added them to the list (and put them in the list in part 1 if they offered a CFE category).

I then also ran the 2 lists by Mark Drew to ask him if he thought I'd forgotten anyone. Fortunately, I had not.

How I got a URL for you to find their content, easily

Just as the bloggers in part 1 offered CFE-specific categories (and therefore a single URL to find their CFE content), I wanted to provide a way for you here also to just click a link and go right to these folks' CFE-specific content. How did I do that?

Most blogs offer a search box, so I tried searching there, and if that resulted in a URL holding the search criteria, I offer it here in the list of URLS below. (In the case of BlogCFC, though it doesn't show the search criteria in the URL by default, you can add it in by hand as &search=cfeclipse, which I've done below.)

Otherwise, for other blogs where I could get no URL to use for searching, I resorted to using Google's nifty "site search" feature to search their blog for any CFEclipse references (and I further added some criteria to find only their blog entries, not RSS feeds, etc, to keep things even with the list in part 1). The only negative with this is that it could find entries where there are simply COMMENTs that mention CFEclipse. That's no good, so I have only shown the number that correlates to the number found by their site search tool. (BTW, note that some of the blogs themselves use google site searching as their means to do search.)

On some sites where there was no search result URL I could offer, I could also find no CFE blog entries with such a Google site search (though the search feature on their site did indeed find some CFE entries). In that case, you'll simply have to search the site yourself to find these entries.

Conversely, some other sites showed far fewer results in their own site search than I found using Google's site search. So I show the Google Search link even if their own site search URL would have found their CFE content.

Finally, since the Google and even some site searches take you to a page where it's not easy to discern the URL for the blogger's site, I am offering their blog URL and then the link to do the search:

The list of CFE bloggers (who have no CFE category/tag)

As I said, I'd love to see those bloggers (especially with a lot or substantial CFE content) offer a CFEclipse-specific category or tag. If you want to press those folks to do so, that could be helpful to us all.

Finally, again, I realize that these are not complete lists. I did quite a bit of work to gather them up, but I'm sure I could have left out some great contributors. Please do add any you'd like as comments here.

Hope the above is helpful to all interested in CFE.

Update: On first posting this, I found out that my use of Google to search sites was finding entries where people had merely commented on CFEclipse in a person's blog, among some other issues. That's no good.

Better, though, I learned that for those sites using BlogCFC, I could indeed force it to use search criteria in the URL, so I've revised the list and the rankings since first publication earlier today.

Come read over 70 CFEclipse bloggers - Part 1

Note: This blog post is from 2007. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
If you had to guess how many people have blogged about CFEclipse, what would you guess? During my process of evaluating the current state of CFE resources (see my other recent entries in the CFEclipse category), I started to take note of those blogs that have CFE categories/tags.

I've found more than 70 of them and I want to point them out for you (those that had at least one useful entry). More than just list them, I also have provided an OPML file and even a CFE-specific aggregator for those who don't use one on their own.

Now, I've decided to split this entry into 2 parts. First, I list below those 51 who offer a specific CFEclipse category or tag (as well as offer the info to help you with aggregating them together).

In part 2, I'll list those who do not (at the time of this writing) offer a CFE-specific category or tag. Their content is indeed still valuable, just a little harder to stay on top of (and I'd love to see them added to this list if they would add a CFE category and assign it to all their past entries).

About the listing

The list is sorted in approximately descending order by number of entries (as of today). Note that it's possible a blogger may have a great tip but failed to mark under a CFEclipse category. They may also have listed CFE tips under an eclipse category, but I didn't think to consider that until later in my research, so while I have a couple of those below, I haven't gone back to consider that for those I did not list here.

While many of the entries are just news (like announcing a new release, etc.), some are useful tips from a wide range of developers. There are also the expected arguments for and against CFE (though those against tend to be older entries).

As I said before, this is all part of some work I'm doing to help developers get the most out of CFE, which I'll announce in the future. In the meantime, please enjoy the entries found here.

The list of CFEclipse category feeds

I did quite a bit of work to gather them up, but I'm sure I could have left out some great contributors. Please do add any you'd like as comments here. Again, in part 2, I list those bloggers with CFE content but no CFE-specific tag or category.

Are you or a favorite not on the list?

Again, if you expect to be on this list and are not (or think someone should be), first let me ask you: does the blog have a CFEclipse-specific category (or an Eclipse category, on a blog devoted otherwise substantially to CF)? If so, I'm happy to add it. Just drop me a comment below.

And yes, I do hope that Mark will add this info to his wiki, but I have started the process by placing it here because I wanted to start the ranking by number of entries, something that won't be possible to reasonably keep updated in the wiki (but it's the sort of info not expected to be kept updated in a blog entry).

Tracking new entries: an aggregator and an OPML file

While you can just go browsing the bloggers, I've also done a few things to make it even easier for you to keep up on new entries from all these bloggers at once, whether you use aggregators or not.

First, I provide the URL for each blogger's RSS feed for their CFE category, if they have one, so you can add any of interest to any feed aggregator you have.

Further, I've provided here an OPML file listing all the RSS URLs (again, just for the CFE-specific categories). You can use that to import all the URLs into a favorite aggregator.

If you don't have an aggregator, here is a web-based aggregator of just these CFE-based feeds:

Browse and Search CFE entries

Finally, if your aggregator doesn't accept an OPML file, you can use the RSS feed from the aggregator I created:

RSS feed of new CFE entries

Hope the above is helpful to all interested in CFE. Look for part 2 (bloggers with CFE entries but no CFE category/tag) in a moment.

Off to the UK for a few days next week to do some on-site training and consulting

Note: This blog post is from 2007. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
I don't generally chronicle all my travels, but I thought I'd throw out there that I'll be in the UK (suburban London) next week. I'll be teaching a couple of on-site classes on FusionDebug and FusionReactor for some Intergral clients, as well as doing a day of consulting (CF troubleshooting) with one of them.

Sadly, it's really an in and out visit, so not much time for sight-seeing or even socializing. (Well, not too sad, as it means I spending as little time as needed away from my lovely wife of seven years, and love of my life, Kim.)

Just wanted to explain the visit, in case any of my friends in London might hear I am (or was) there and wonder why I couldn't make any social calls. I won't even have a car.

"Beware the troubles"

I'm sure some will wonder if now's a good time to be going over there (regarding the recent terrorist threats). Hey, at least I'm just visiting (and in the suburbs). My heart goes out to those who have to live with that threat daily.

Mark Drew mentioned to me at CFUnited that his office was very near that first failed bomb. Yikes.

I remember that fear living in DC after 9/11. It's a very uneasy tension, balancing "getting on with life" with a very real daily threat. Fortunately, these things do pass (as the real "troubles" did in the UK a generation ago).

Let's just all continue to pray that things settle down over there, for their sake. As for me, my faith is in God's Providence and Will, as He directs my steps.

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