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FusionDebug - Great news: discounted pricing and community edition announced today

Note: This blog post is from 2006. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Here's great news for FusionDebug fans--and those who've complained about the price. Check news of discounted pricing (starting at $239) and even a new community (non-commercial) edition at $99! Awesome news. The guys from Intergral are great at listening to customers! :-)

See the details at: http://www.fusion-reactor.com/fusiondebug/buy.html

Note that (according to the footnotes on the page) that the special pricing and community edition offer end on Oct 31. Get it while it's hot!

And to learn more about FusionDebug, see my previous entries on FusionDebug.

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Geez, that is really great. I just paid $299 on Wednesday.
# Posted By Jeff Fleitz | 9/29/06 8:22 PM
Yes, Jeff, that thought came to mind soon after I posted the note. Did you use the 10% discount code that has long been available? If so, that makes the difference 269 to 239. $30's not too much to have lost, right? :-) I mean, companies do change prices sometimes, in both directions.

Now, if you are thinking you could instead have legitimately used the new NCL edition (non-commercial license), then you may want to run that question by the folks at Intergral. They're clearly community focused.
Sorry for the sarcasism. I was just lamenting over the fact that I always seem to be on the back end of the good deals. I didn't even see the 10% discount code, to tell you the truth. Need to start paying better attention. I am sure it will be worth it in the long run.
# Posted By Jeff Fleitz | 9/30/06 8:20 AM
No worries. Just sharing the additional perspective for others as well. As for the 10% discount code, that was offered in a few places (not on their web site) as an incentive. I mentioned it in my first blog entry, and in the presentations I've given. I saw it mentioned on other blogs and mailing lists. Anyway, nice to see with this round of discounts that they're offering it right on their own screens. Very generous.
I heard about the offer from both your CF podcast interview and your blog notification. That is indeed an awesome deal for my local development needs. I may just have to pick upa license this month to take advantage of it. Can you still debug remote servers with the $99 version?
I'm not aware of there being any limitation at all. Best for you to check with them, though, to be sure.
No limitations in terms of functionality for the Non-Commercial version - for T&C's please read this http://www.fusion-re... - also please note that this offer is ONLY available till the end of October.
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