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Don't miss out on the many powers of the Google Toolbar (some hidden buttons, some new context menu

Note: This blog post is from 2006. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Here's a blog entry from another site on a topic that I think some of you may enjoy very much:

"Don't miss out on the many powers of the Google Toolbar (some hidden buttons, some new context menu options, and more)"

http://www.tipicalcharlie.com/google_toolbar_1.htm (Update: tipicalcharlie domain is no more, but page recovered using Archive.org.)

Now, if you look closely at the URL, you'll see it's got my name in it. :-) And indeed, it's mine. I started the blog long before this one and in it I share all manner of tips related to computing (not CF-specifically).

I'm always torn about whether to post some topics here or there. I try not to cross-post much at all (and not even to blogs of other folks) unless it's something that I think you might really appreciate and otherwise miss. Such is the case here.

If you like the stuff there (see the categories, as there may be past entries you'd not want to miss), be sure to signup to receive new entries by email (as you can do here), or add it to your RSS reader of course. Not everyone uses them yet. Indeed, see the entry I did there on how to get notification by email of new entries from any blogger who may not offer their own email subscription feature.

(Update: Sadly, squeet (a tool to send RSS feeds by email) is no more. But there are other alternatives, that I track in a category of my CF411 site: http://www.cf411.com/rss_email.)

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