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Really slick multi-file upload tool

Note: This blog post is from 2006. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Some time back I was exchanging thoughts with some folks about the hassles of multiple file uploads in web pages. Of course, the good ol'
<input type="file">
tag can only load one at a time. It also offers no progress bars, nor much other feedback. Well the folks I was speaking (at Digital Crew) with just went and built a custom tag, CF_ProFlashUpload, to solve the problem.

Now, the bad news for some is that it's not free, but $50. Still, it seems very much worth the price if you really need what it solves.

Check out info, demos, an eval download, and more at http://www.cftagstore.com/tags/flashmultipleupload.cfm. Besides a flash progress bar, it also offers options for handling callbacks and much more.

For those who really want a free tool, I just saw today that Dave Shuck pointed to one as well:


Update: In case you come along and find this entry after it was written in July 2006, note that I now have a long list of alternative file upload tools, in a category of my CF411 list, File Upload Tools . Please check there for other alternatives in this and 125+ other categories.

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I like the tool. It does look slick. If people want to learn how to do this in flash forms, here is a link:


AS Fusion is one of my favored sites. The example gives source code and the date is August 8, 2005.

Now you will probably need to refactor a little for Flash Player 9 and play with some controls, but you can learn how to create file uploads in flash forms. You could even utilize their code to create multiple instances with a little configuration.

MultiPowUpload - one of many solutions to upload multiple files over Flash upload control.

See example here:
# Posted By Gregory | 10/16/06 6:30 AM

Take a look to another advanced flash upload control EAFlashUpload: http://www.easyalgo....
# Posted By Serg | 3/17/09 8:27 AM
Thanks, Serg (and previously Gregory) for your recommendations of other file upload tools. I've added them to my longer list of such file upload tools in a category at my CF411 list of tools and resources: http://www.cf411.com...

As I created after the blog entry, I've also now updated the entry to point folks there to check for other alternatives.
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