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Like the UGTV site? Vote for it at CFDJ Awards

Note: This blog post is from 2006. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
My UGTV site has been nominated for "Best Web Site or Community" in CFDJ Reader's Choice Awards. If you've not yet voted, your vote would be appreciated. There are 8 other categories, and voting should take less than a minute.

The UGTV site is a directory of recorded UG presentations, now with 86 recordings from 65 presenters.

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CFFundamentals: Mimicking a form submission using CFHTTP

Note: This blog post is from 2006. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
While developers who've used CFML for a long time will regard some topics as old hat, we have to remember that there are folks who either have come along recently or simply never used some feature. This is one of those topics, and since I answered it on a list, I offer it here.

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Programmatically accessing allowed IP Addresses in Developer Edition (and understanding the limits)

Note: This blog post is from 2006. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Have you ever needed to know programmatically what IP addresses, besides localhost, ARE allowed to access your Developer Edition of ColdFusion? I'll show you how here.

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Resources for Getting Started with CFEclipse

Note: This blog post is from 2006. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
As CFML developers contemplate (or make the move to) CFEclipse, which is a CFML plug-in for the open source Eclipse editor, they will naturally have questions. Does it support the features I want? What does it add? How easy is it to make the transition?

I think most developers will find that it does what they want (tag insight, tag help, code snippets, and more), and it will do still more than they may expect. Still, it may trip some up at first as they make a transition. Changing editors is always a challenging proposition, just because we become so used to our current editor. Still, more and more developers are making the switch, and you may want to learn more about it.

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Reloading CF web services programmatically, using the CF7 Admin API

Note: This blog post is from 2006. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
I'm surprised to not see much out there about how to reload or refresh CF's cached WSDL proxy for calling a web service, at least programmatically using the new CF 7 Admin API. Perhaps it's because people have been tripped up, or simply haven't explored it. Either way, I'd like to offer here the code you need, and also point out some tips and traps.

Update for CF8: As an update to this entry from 2006, which is focused on CF7, I'll note that there was yet another approach that was added in CF8. Both still work and have their own value. More on the CF8 feature in my later blog entry. Still, the feature added in CF7 is important to understand, too, so please read on.

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Corrected version of my Sept CFDJ article available online

Note: This blog post is from 2006. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
While it may seem old news, I want to point out that if you've received the print version of the September edition of the CFDJ (which came out in October), you may have seen my article on "FusionDebug Tips, Tricks, and Traps". Due to some glitches, the version printed was not the final, edited version I had offered.

I was able to arrange to get the corrected article posted in the electronic version of the article, free for you to read, on the CFDJ site. If you're interested in the topic and/or the article, please do check it out online.

Webcast: How to track views of your Breeze/Acrobat Connect recorded presentations

Note: This blog post is from 2006. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
I'm happy to present my first webcast, a short audio/video presentation showing a screen recording with narration of how to solve a problem. I plan to do many of these in the future.

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