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Interested in a day of training on FusionDebug and FusionReactor? Join me in Europe

Note: This blog post is from 2006. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Hey folks, if any of you will be going to the http://www.cfdevcon.com/ in London on Thurs, Nov 9 (where I and several other folks will be speaking on various CF topics), I want to point out an additional training opportunity.

The next day (Friday), I'll be giving an all-day training session on FusionDebug and FusionReactor, sponsored by the fine folks at Intergral, makers of the tools. I'll spend the day introducing the tools, sharing tips and tricks, and more. For more details, and to signup, see http://www.fusion-reactor.com/fastTrack.html.

The price is £249,00 (or about $312), but note this:

Each attendee gets a free copy of FusionDebug (full license), which lists at $299, so the training is really low-cost.

And for anyone near Germany, note that we'll be doing the same class in Munich on Nov 3, also detailed on the page above.

Please share the word with anyone you know who may be interested in these two tools. Those who know me know that I enjoy opening the fire-hose of information, so I hope you'd be sure to find it good value. :-)

We may well bring the classes to the US (and elsewhere) next, depending on how things go. So far, we have several signups and have only just started announcing it.

Hi Charlie,

I signed up for the training session in London earlier today (several hours ago), but I did not receive any confirmation. Also I'd like to know how payment will be made (as my employer will pay for me).

Looking forwards to it.

Trond Ulseth
Hi Charlie,

Might be able to book if I could swop fusion debug for fusion reactor. Is it possible?How are the sessions split 50/50 dubug and reactor?


# Posted By Brnedan | 10/18/06 5:49 AM
Brendan, the sessions are indeed split 50/50, as specified in the pages linked to above.

As for the give-away, I have no control over that. It's Intergral's generosity that's responsible. I would recommend that you ask the question of the person who's listed on the bottom of the page linked to above as being responsible for "questions relating to the course". (I say that here so people know that there is such a person listed, but I'll save you having to look and point out that it's Clivia Schuker, at [email protected].)

You make an interesting point. With the sale price of FD currently $239 (through October, at least), and the list price of FR being $249, they're very close. Then again, since after October the price should be returning to $299, I wouldn't want anyone to subsequently ask for a discount off the class because FR would now be $50 less! :-) It's generous that they offer any product at all, and if they go so far as to let you swap, I think it's reasonable to just say thanks and leave it at that. Hope you'd agree.

But go ahead and ask. It will be far more compelling coming from a prospective attendee. Do let us know here what you hear back.
Thanks Charlie,

I am going to see a prospective client on Friday and by the sounds of it they could do with Fusion Reactor. Will know more next week, but might tie in nicely.

thanks again

# Posted By Brendan | 10/18/06 12:39 PM
Brendan, if you would like to go on the training, then it's ok to exchange the FusionDebug license for a FusionReactor 2.0 Standard Edition. Just send me your details to our sales email address and I'll make sure you receive FR.

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