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Speaking tonight at the Charlotte CFUG, on FusionDebug

Note: This blog post is from 2006. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
If you're near Charlotte NC tonight, come on out to the Charlotte CFUG (technically AdobeCharlotte) where I will be presenting on FusionDebug. See the AC site for time and location details. I don't believe the meeting is being recorded.

I am open to presenting it again to other groups, live or remote (and will be creating a recorded version soon). Drop me a note if you'd like me to present to your group.

Here's the topic title and description:

Step through your CFML code with FusionDebug

In this talk, veteran CFML developer Charlie Arehart will introduce and demonstrate the ability all ColdFusion developers now have to step through their code interactively. FusionDebug is a commercial plug-in for Eclipse (www.fusiondebug.com) that gives you that ability. No, it's not free, but it's a small price to pay (under $300) if you want to do step debugging. Charlie will show all the features, as well as some tricks and traps.

Don't worry if you don't care for Eclipse. You don't need to use it for editing. You can continue to use DWMX or CF Studio/HomeSite+. Just use FD for your debugging. Charlie will show you how easy it is and the problems it can solve.

And if you're thinking you don't need interactive debugging, Charlie will also explain over a dozen benefits this offers over traditional CFDUMP/CFOUTPUT debugging. Finally, he has also arranged with the vendor to give away 2 free copies (there is also a free trial).

I met Charlie last night and he is a very likeable, knowledgeable person.
I plan on adding him to my list of people to pay close attention to.

He's going to be going over the same topic at a virtual meeting at
to be held Thursday, October 12, 7:00 PM US/Eastern.
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