UGTV - View recorded usergroup presentations
by hundreds of your favorite presenters

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The UGTV site holds links to recordings from user group speakers all over the world (primarily on ColdFusion but also other Adobe topics. More on the intro page.) While it's offered as a free service by Charlie Arehart and, anyone can add links using this easy form. If you're looking for downloadable recordings, see the note at bottom here.

The list currently holds 877 presentations from 374 presenters, totaling 953+ hours of video, that I and 67 others have added so far. (Note available RSS feed below, including an available feed based on search criteria.)

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44 recordings found with reference to security
Title Presenter up arrow
Date Posted Date Recorded Submitter
ColdFusion Application Security at the Boston CFUG
(View video, Show Description)
Jason Dean 1:25 2009-09-17 2009-09-16Henry Ho
CFMeetup: Getting Started with Multiple Instances in CF
(View video, Show Description)
Charlie Arehart 1:33 2009-07-23 2009-07-23charlie arehart
CFMeetup: ColdBox 4: The Future of CFML MVC
(View video, Show Description)
Brad Wood 1:44 2014-10-30 2014-10-30Charlie Arehart
Adobe ColdFusion 10 Event
(View video, Show Description)
Rakshith Naresh, Pete Freitag, Mike Tangorre 3:00 2012-04-10 2012-03-28Andrew Scott
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Look for this interface to improve over time...

...including categorizing (vital as more are added), perhaps using Flex or Ajax. Additionally, I'd like to offer the option to capture more details about each presentation as well as to add a mechanism for viewers to share comments with each other on each presentation.

If you have other ideas, let me know at charlie (at)

About "no description"

If there's "no description available", it's just that the submitter didn't offer one. It could be that there simply was none they could offer, or they didn't know where to find one. I don't want to hamper people submitting presentations by forcing them to come up with descriptions. The field is there if they have one to offer. In the future, I'll enable a mechanism for folks to offer comments on each presentation, and from those I would gladly update the description (or allow the submitter to).

Looking for downloadable versions?

Are you looking for downloadable versions of these recordings? I'm afraid that's not something I can control for most of these recordings. TO be clear, this UGTV resource is just a repository of *links* to recordings (which can be posted by anyone at all). I do not host the *recordings*. I only offer a place to point to them in an organized fashion.

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