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I'm speaking on the CFMeetup this week: Introducing the Adobe ColdFusion Extensions for Eclipse

Note: This blog post is from 2009. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
I'm one of the speakers this week on the Online ColdFusion Meetup. I'll be presenting in the noon (EDT) slot this Thursday, on "Introducing the Adobe ColdFusion Extensions for Eclipse". Before you yawn, are you sure you realize what I'm referring to?

This is not an introduction to Eclipse, and it's not about features in CFEclipse, so it may interest those who've long used CFEclipse but not the Adobe extensions. Yet it also doesn't presume prior experience with Eclipse or CFEclipse, so it's for pretty much everyone. And if you plan to be using Bolt, you'll want to attend since these extensions are included among the many features that Adobe has listed as coming Bolt.

Introducing the Adobe ColdFusion Extensions for Eclipse Whether you're already using Eclipse (via CFEclipse or not), or you've still not gotten into using it (or are waiting for Bolt), this talk if for you, if you don't know about the Adobe CF Extensions for Eclipse. Not to be confused with the CFEclipse plugin, the Adobe ColdFusion Extensions for Eclipse are a free set of very useful tools (for the free Eclipse editor) that many have missed, even if they do use CFEclipse. And if you don't yet use CFEclipse, these additional tools may offer features that might make you reconsider using Eclipse for CFML coding.

In this session, veteran CFer Charlie Arehart will introduce the extensions (not CFEclipse), including how to find and install the extensions from the Adobe site, as well how to use them to do many things: browse datasources and build queries, generate code using wizards, browse CFCs and web services, view log files, debug CF apps (discussed only briefly and supported only for CF8), and more.

Note that most of the features shown apply to if you're using CF7 as well. And since the upcoming new Adobe editor, codenamed Bolt, incorporates these same features (and many more, as discussed on the labs site), this talk will help you whatever your current or future plans.

Learn more about the event, including optional RSVP, a link to create calendar entries, and more, at the Meetup event page. You can also just show up on the day at the meetup Connect room.

There will be a 6pm (EDT) talk as well, by Sean Shroeder of Mura, introducing the Mura (formerly Sava) open source CMS. For more on these, and all CF Meetups, see my category of blog announcements about them.

Hope to see some of you Thursday at noon. I think most would learn something new. :-)

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Is this a presentation on CFEclipse? Joking of course.
This plugin has some issues with later versions of Eclipse. I know a few complaints have popped up on the CFEclipse mailing list, and I've blogged about the issue. Unfortunately I never got an answer from Adobe about if/when fixes could be expected. Will Adobe continue this plugin once Bolt is out??

It IS a great tool (when it works). :)
Yep, Jim, there is that problem in 3.4 (where you have to use "Go Into" in the RDS Dataview and FileView, and refresh on the Services Browser). It's a bummer, but at least there's that workaround. I will mention it, yes.

As for whether there will be a new, updated standalone version once Bolt comes out, I wouldn't be surprised if not. They will naturally want to move people to Bolt. But the old one would continue to work (if not be updated), just as the old 7.02 version still works. Hope you'll come by tomorrow.
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