Don't miss the CF8 version of the "getting started experience"
Note: This blog post is from 2007. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.

If you hadn't yet noticed, the CF 8 version of the "Getting Started Experience" site is now available on the Adobe site:
For many, the best feature in the GSE is the "Code Snippets by Feature and Tasks", which offers sample code (often also available as a live running example). In particular, note the section on "what's new in coldfusion 8", with examples for all the new tags and functions. Many of these are quite different from what's offered in the CF8 docs, both the "CFML Reference" and the "Developer's Guide".
Note that while you can click on the appropriate link in the page above to get to it, you can also link directly to:
It doesn't appear too much else in the GSE (getting started experience), such as the "Real World Apps", has been modified for CF8 (other than wording to refer to CF8 vs CF7). Maybe that will change in time. If anyone knows or finds differently, please comment here.
Also, you may notice that this CF8 GSE was not installed locally on your machine with the CF 8 install (as it was in CF7, under CFIDE\gettingstarted). I'm asking around about that at Adobe to see if we can get it to download. You can now download it, and extract it into your webroot. Check out the readme.txt that comes with it.
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