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WebDU's done...the conference is over

Note: This blog post is from 2007. Some content may be outdated--though not necessarily. Same with links and subsequent comments from myself or others. Corrections are welcome, in the comments. And I may revise the content as necessary.
Well, the 2007 WebDU conference in Sydney Australia is done for another year.

For those who haven't been, it's a great time. The people are wonderful, the food is great (especially for conference food), the sessions seemed to serve a lot of interests, and of course, it's in Australia. :-) Geoff Bowers and the Daemon crew did a bang-up job running the event.

I gave a well-received talk on CF Caching options (discussed much more than the "big 3"), led a "BOF" session on CFCs with the engaging and intelligent Mark Mandel (of Transfer fame), and also taught a day-long class on Wed, the day before the event, Fast Track to FusionDebug and FusionReactor. More on those at http://www.webdu.com.au/go/speaker-profile/charlie-arehart-atlanta-usa. Check out the funny graphical caricatures that they create for the speakers. :-)

More fun still are the wonderful Flash-based animations (a few minutes each) that are used to introduce the event and the keynote speakers. They're created by a company in Oz called Nectarine, and while they do have their 2005 and 2006 animations posted online (http://webdu.nectarine.com.au/), the 2007 ones weren't there yet, as of today. When they're posted, be sure to check them out. note to Ray: one of this year's featured a "Lost" theme.

So, I'm now sitting on a balcony in a quiet neighborhood in Sydney, relaxing Saturday afternoon after the week. There's a speakers barbecue this evening at Geoff's place in Elizabeth Bay. I plan to do a little sight-seeing before that. My wife couldn't make this trip, so I'm on my own, but I've lived in Oz before (back in 95-96, in Canberra) and brought her for our honeymoon in 2000, so I've been to Sydney before.

For any interested in some gory details, I arrived Monday, and will leave this coming Monday. It was a long trip getting here from Atlanta--about 24 hours in real time, the way United routed me (Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, LA, Sydney). The ticket had said it was Chicago to LA--no mention of the stop in Denver. No change of plane, but it certainly was a long way to get to LA! I left Atlanta Saturday at noon and got in Monday at 7am. Phew!

At least when I return, I get back the same day I leave. Ah, the wonders of the international date line. We're 15 hours ahead, so as I write this, it's Friday evening. It's made it challenging to stay in touch with my wife and clients--and internet access has been spotty, even at the conference. But that was the only blemish.

If anyone's looking for tech tidbits of what may have been announced, I'll leave that to others. Also, I gather that all the same info was released in Spring
, which happened the day before, and about which there have been plenty of other bloggers writing. So I'll sign off here. It's about 80 degrees, and kind of warm on the veranda here (late summer in the southern hemisphere). Time to get off the computer, and go have a cool drink. :-)

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